Squatting is a key movement which is optimal for human function. Many gyms have Smith machines, leg presses and hack squat machines that attempt to deliver the benefits of the real thing. But, there’s no replacement for the free squat performed with body weight or a weighted bar.
It doesn’t have to be heavy, but to squat (even just bodyweight) is to live a bit better.. Here are some of the benefits of regular squatting:
Shape in your backside – a firmer, more shapely derierre and firmer legs.
Increased circultation to your entire body – squats stimulate the movement of essential bodily fluids, assist nutrient absorption and faciliate the removal of waste products and toxic substances from your body.
Squatting for weight control and total body conditioning – squats are a whole, free-weight body body. Your back, arms and core also benefit, not just your legs and glutes. Squatting is sports-relevant and a foundational movement pattern for improving athletic performance – strength, speed and power.
You need to squat everyday – sitting down and standing up off your chair, getting in and out of the car, walking and climbing stairs.
Squatting is part of our evolution – Before we had couches at home, chairs at the office and seats in cars, we had the ground. We lived most of our lives there – eating, preparing food, cooking, building a fire, harvesting food, working, socialising and going to the toilet. Most of our tools and belongings lived on the ground too, so we spent most of our time there. The squat was essential to survive.
A full squat compresses your lower abdomen and massages your internal organs – which in turn helps you to eliminate better!
If you surf, you squat. Learning to squat with good form and strengthening both left to right sides evenly will be key to your surf longevity and performance.