Surf Training


To surf you need to be able to:


Extend your upper spine on the surfboard when paddling and keep it there (back endurance)

Twist your upper spine on the surfboard when paddling or when performing manoeuvres (adequate movement in your upper back prevents injury to your lower back)

Raise your arms overhead without getting a pain in the shoulders or neck, and having the endurance to paddle for long periods of time

Do repeated bodyweight push-ups with strong shoulders, back and core

Get your feet under your hips fast to pop-up

Feel the constantly changing surface under your feet, and feel where your body position is in space to keep your balance

Get into a low crouch or full squat position. Great mobility through the hips and ankles is key

Strength in your hips, knees and ankles to move smoothly and with control

Rotate through your hips and spine to turn and perform manoeuvres.

Surfing in an asymmetrical sport, so training one leg / arm at a time can help iron out left to right imbalances.

Crossed Jacknife

For a damn strong core that can generate power and decelerate forces or impact to your spine.

Key points: Keep your lower back flat using your butt and abs to prevent your lower back sagging toward the ground. Push out of your shoulders and keep your head head back in line with your spine. This is a real advanced movement and should be attempted by experienced athletic ninja’s.

Spiral Push-Up

For multi-angle, multi-range, multi-joint shoulder strengthening which will create a solid foundation for repetitive upper body movements in surfing.

Key points: Keep your chest open and shoulders held back throughout the push-up. Keep your torso low off the ground the whole time. Straighten arms at the beginning and end of the push-up and switch the direction your knees face during the middle.

Dragon Squat

Get your single leg full-range strength on for whatever challenges you may face on those waves.

Key points: keep your knee tracking over your second and third toes throughout the squat. This is an advanced movement and has been achieved through many years of less complex single-leg strengthening. For exercises to meet you where you are at, visit

Pike to Plank Advanced

More advanced core and shoulder training for those that are serious about their movement and athleticism. There’s a lot going on in this video and pro instruction is recommended. Gain a solid foundation of mobility, stability and core strength here before trying any of these movements.