Travel Surf Fit

FITNESS ON THE ROAD | KEEPING YOU SURF FIT To ensure your adventures don’t sabotage all the hard work you’ve been doing in the gym at home, here are some ideas on how to keep (or become) fit, strong and lean while abroad. 1. Apart from surfing, choose as many...

Expand your Surf Injury Buffer-Zone

Nature is the best playground. There is something pretty darn rewarding about getting physical in nature and surfing is one of those passions. Surfing however can be a risky sport, so expanding your buffer zone can be a good idea. Take off and tube riding are the...

Shoulder Problems in Surfers

Lifting, throwing, punching, wrestling, pulling, paddling, swimming and pressing with gnarly shoulders is a common problem these days. There’s too many causes to list here, but to throw out a few examples we’ve got most people walking around with hunched upper backs,...

Knee Problems in Surfers

Knee problems can stem from a wide range of factors. If you have ruled out any significant trauma or degeneration, this post will make some strong assumptions as to why surfing could be trashing your knees. If you surf and you do have a knee problem, the first strong...