World Surf

Catering to World-Wide Frothers who want Endless Performance and Injury Prevention

Surfer’s Neck Routine

Surfer’s Neck Routine

Surfer's Neck Routine - 10 min Strengthening & Soft Tissue Release for Optimal Neck Posture Let’s be honest here, surfing is not great for your posture. Paddling is great for strengthening your back muscles, but the position of your neck is far from ideal when...

Do you Qualify for Olympic Lifts?

Do you Qualify for Olympic Lifts?

"Surfers do not particularly need to practice the olympic lifts, they are not specific to surfing and there are many ways to improve mobility, strength and power whilst avoiding these highly technical lifts requiring a high degree of ankle/hip/thoracic mobility and...

Preparing Professional Surfers for Competition

Preparing Professional Surfers for Competition

Strength and conditioning programs must be specific to each individual’s body, their chosen sport, their current strengths and weaknesses, their psychological state and the level at which they wish to compete. Strength training is not just about putting on muscle mass...